Manon DIDRY: thesis "Stuctures
sur les espaces symétriques", defense june 16, 2006. Published
in paper [24], below, and in: Construction
of groups associated to Lie- and Leibniz-algebras (Journal
of Lie Theory 17 (2007), 399-426).
Julien CHENAL: thesis "Géométries
liées aux algèbres de Lie graduées", defense june 21,
2010. Published in:
Arnaud SOUVAY: thesis "Une
approche intrinsèque des foncteurs de Weil", defense
november 23, 2012. Published in paper [30], below.
Jérémy HAUT: from fall 2018 to 2022 (abandon). Our joint paper (no
[45] below) has appeared in: Cahiers de topologie et
géométrie différentielle catégoriques
de recherche / research activities
I am member of the research team "Analyse
et théorie des nombres" of the Institut
Elie Cartan de Lorraine. Before 2013, I belonged to the team "Groupes
Lie et Analyse Harmonique" of the Institut
Cartan de Nancy. The team consists of researchers both from
Metz and from Nancy, working on topics related to Lie groups and
non-commutative harmonic analysis, operator algebras and geometry
(non-commutative-, Poisson- or other), and on (mostly analytic)
number theory. The seminars run on thursday afternoon, sometimes in
Nancy and sometimes in Metz. About twice a year people from the east
of France working on Lie groups and related topics meet for two days
at the "Journées
SL_2 R" (SLLR: Strasbourg-Lorraine-Luxembourg-Reims). I
organized the meetings in Nancy in november 2004, june 2006, mai 2022, and forthcoming mai 2025.
From 2002 to 2011 I was (co-)organizer of the seminar
de Lie et Analyse Harmonique" in Nancy. Here are the links to
the seminar programs of these years:
2010/11 2009/10
2008/09 2007/08
2006/07 2005/06
2004/05 2003/04
I was involved in the organization of two international conferences:
Parallel to our seminar, I have organised some "Groupes de travail"
in Nancy:
de publications / list of papers
See here for a pdf-file containing my
publication list with hyperlinks, and see below for a
description of my resarch topics.
- Realisierung einer holomorphen diskreten Reihe auf dem
einschaligen Hyberboloid. Diplomarbeit, Goettingen 1990
- Dualité des espaces symétriques et analyse harmonique. Thèse
de doctorat (phd-thesis), supervised by professor Jacques
Faraut, université Paris VI, 1994
- The Geometry of Jordan and
Lie Structures. Habilitationsschrift, Technische
Universitaet Clausthal, 1999
Books :
- The Geometry of
Jordan and Lie Structures (Springer Lecture Notes in
Mathematics vol. 1754) - see above Habilitationsschrift for
essentially the same text!
- Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and
Symmetric Spaces over General Base Fields and Rings, (186
+ v pages), Memoirs
the AMS 192, no.900 (2008) (cf. article 19
- Calcul différentiel topologique
élémentaire, Calvage
Mounet, Paris, décembre 2011 (lien
Papers :
- Généralisation d'une Formule de Ramanujan dans le cadre de la
dualité des espaces Riemanniens symétriques. Comptes
Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, t. 316 (1993), Série I,
- Les Formules de Mehler et de Heine généralisées pour les
espaces riemanniens symétriques de rang un. Comptes Rendus Acad.
Sci. Paris t. 318 (1994), 111-116.
- Un théorème de Liouville pour les
algèbres de Jordan. Bull. Soc. Math.
Francaise 124 (1996), 299-327. pdf
- On some Causal and Conformal Groups.
J. Lie Theory 6 (1996), 215-244. pdf
- Ramanujan's master theorem and duality
of symmetric spaces. J. of Funct. An. 148
(1997), 117-151.pdf
- Algebraic Structures of Makarevi\v c
Spaces. I. Transformation Groups, Vol. 3,
No.1, (1998), 3-32. pdf
- Conformal group and fundamental
theorem for a class of symmetric spaces. Math.
Z. 233 (2000), 39 -73. pdf
- Reproducing kernels on vector
bundles. In: Lie Theory and Its Applications
in Physics III, p. 43 - 58. World Scientific, Singapore
1998. Avec J. Hilgert. pdf
- Hardy Spaces and Analytic
Continuation of Bergman Spaces. Bull. Soc. Math.
Francaise 126 (1998), 435-482. Avec J. Hilgert. pdf
- Geometric Bergman and Hardy spaces.
Michigan Math. J. 47 (2000), 235 -263 Avec J. Hilgert.
- Complexifications of Symmetric Spaces and Jordan Theory.
Transactions of the A.M.S. 353 (2001), 2531 - 2556
- Characterization of the
Kantor-Koecher-Tits algebra by a generalized Ahlfors
operator. J. of Lie Theory 11 (2001),
415-426. Avec J. Hilgert. pdf
- Generalized projective geometries: From
linear algebra via affine algebra to projective algebra.
Linear Algebra and its Applications 378 (2004), 109 -
134. pdf
- Generalized projective geometries:
General theory and equivalence with Jordan structures.
Advances in Geometry 3 (2002), 329-369. pdf
- The geometry of null systems, Jordan
algebras and von Staudt's Theorem. Ann. Inst.
Fourier 53 (2003) fasc. 1, 193-225. pdf
- Complex and quaternionic structures on
symmetric spaces - correspondence with Freudenthal-Kantor
triple systems. In : Theory of Lie Groups and
Manifolds, Sophia Kokyuroku in Maths. 45 (2002),
57-76. pdf
- Differential Calculus over general
base fields and rings. (avec H. Gloeckner et K.-H.
Neeb), Expo. Math. 22 (2004),
213-282 pdf
: math.GM/0303300
- Projective completions of Jordan
pairs. Part I: The generalized projective geometry of a Lie
algebra (with
J. of Algebra 227 , 2 (2004), 474-519 pdf
arXiv : math.RA/0306272
- Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and
Symmetric Spaces over General Base Fields and Rings.
(186 + v pages), Memoirs
the AMS 192, no.900 (2008) pdf
- Projective
of Jordan pairs. Part II: Manifold structures and
symmetric spaces (with K.-H. Neeb), Geometriae
Dedicata 112
, 1, (2005), 73-113. pdf
- Inner Ideals and Intrinsic Subspaces.
(Avec H. Loewe.) Adv. in Geometry 8 (2008), 53-85 ps
- Homotopes and conformal deformations
of symmetric spaces. J.
of Lie Theory
(2008), no.2, 301-333 pdf
- Is
a Jordan geometry underlying quantum physics?
Int. J. of Theoretical Physics
2) (oct. 2008), 2754-2782 pdf
- Symmetric
and representations of Lie triple systems (avec M.
Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and
Applications 3 (no.4) (2009), 261-284 pdf
- Associative
I: Torsors, Linear Relations and Grassmannians
(avec M. Kinyon) Journal
of Lie Theory 20 (2)
(2010), 215-252 pdf
: math.RA/0903.5441
- Associative Geometries. II:
Involutions, the Classical Torsors, and their Homotopes
(avec M. Kinyon) Journal of Lie Theory 20
(2) (2010), 253-282 pdf
- Simplicial differential calculus,
divided differences, and construction of Weil functors.
Forum Mathematicum 25
(1) (2013), 19-47 arxiv : math.DG/1009.2354
- Homotopes of symmetric spaces. I :
Construction by algebras with two involutions.
pdf (with P. Bieliavsky). to
appear math.DG/1011.2923
- Homotopes of symmetric spaces. II :
Structure Variety and Classification
pdf (Avec P. Bieliavsky).
to appear ; math.DG/1011.3161
- A general construction of Weil
functors. (with A. Souvay)
Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle
catégoriques LV (4) (2014), 267 -- 313, pdf
- The projective geometry of a group.
arxiv : math.GR/1201.6201
- Torsors and ternary Moufang
loops arising in projective geometry (avec M.
Kinyon). p 343 - 360 in: Algebra, Geometry and
Mathematical Physics, Springer-Verlag 2014 (Proceedings of the
AGMP, Mulhouse, France, October 2011) pdf
- Commutative and
non-commutative parallelogram geometry: an experimental
approach pdf
- Jordan Geometries - an Approach via
Inversions. Journal of Lie Theory 24 (2014)
1067-1113 pdf
- Weil
Spaces and Weil-Lie groups.
- Universal
Associative Geometry.
- Conceptual
Differential Calculus. I : First order local
linear algebra.
- Conceptual
Differential Calculus. II : Cubic higher order
- A
precise and general notion of manifold.
- Lie
Calculus. Proceedings of 50. Seminar Sophus
Lie, Banach
Center Publications 113 (2017), 59-85
- Cyclic
orders defined by ordered Jordan algebras Journal
of Lie Theory 28 (3) (2018), 643-661
- An
essay on the completion of quantum theory. I: General
- An
essay on the completion of quantum theory. II: Unitary
time evolution.
(Both parts dedicated to the memory of Tobias
- Distributive
lattices, and associative geometries: the arithmetic case,
- A
functorial approach to differential calculus,
(avec Jérémy Haut)
- Graded sets, graded groups, and Clifford
- On Group and Loop Spheres,
- On Conway's Numbers and Games, the Von Neumann Universe, and Pure Set Theory,
Other papers (proceedings, overviews, lecture notes):
- Jordan algebras and conformal geometry. In Positivity
Lie Theory: Open Problems. (p. 1 - 20) de Gruyter, Berlin
- From Vector spaces to Symmetric Spaces. In : Lie Theory and
its Applications in Physics, III (p. 99 - 109), World
Scientific, Singapore 2000.
- Symmetric spaces with Jordan
structures. In: Banach Center Publications 55
(2002), 211-226. ps
- Generalized projective geometries.
In: An. Univ. din Timisoara Vol. XXXIX, 2001 (Proceedings Fifth
International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its
Applications). pdf
- Differential Geometry over General
Base Fields and Rings. In: Modern Trends in
Geometry and Topology, p. 95 - 102. (Proceedings Seventh
International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its
Applications, Cluj University Press 2006) pdf
- Difference Problems and Differential
Problems. In: Contemporary Geometry and Topology
and Related Topics, p. 73 - 86 (Proceedings Eighth
International Workshop on Differential Geometry and Its
Applications, Cluj University Press 2008) pdf
- Jordan structures and
non-associative geometry. p. 221 - 241 in :
Trends and Developments in Infinite Dimensional Lie
Theory (ed. K.-H. Neeb and A. Pianzola), Progress
in Math. vol. 288,
Birkhaeuser, New York 2011 pdf
- On the Hermitian projective line as a
home for the geometry of Quantum Theory. In:AIP
Conference Proceedings 1079, p. 14 - 25 (Proceedings XXVII
Workshop on Geometrical Methods in Physics, Bialowieza
2008), American Institute of Physics, New York 2008
arXiv: math-ph/0809.0561
- Jordan and Lie Geometries.
Archivum mathematicum 49 (2013), 275 - 293. Notes of lectures
given at the 33rd Winter School Geometry and Physics in Srni,
january 2013. pdf
Book review:
- "A Taste of Jordan Algebras" by K.
McCrimmon (in: SIAM Review Vol. 47, No. 1 (2005), pp. 172-174
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de recherche / research topics
Research Topics, and some Remarks on
Teaching Mathematics (pdf-file containing hyperlinks)
The aim of these notes is to explain some of my research topics to
non-specialists. I shall try to keep the text as non-technical as
possible - it is not meant to be a scientific communication, but
rather a personal and informal conversation with a reader supposed
to be interested in mathematics and in the way mathematicians think.
Thus I will allow myself to give some comments on related topics,
such as teaching mathematics, and to speak about my personal
experience and motivation. In chronological order, my research
developed along the following three strands, which I shall explain
in inverse chronological order:
- non-commutative harmonic analysis (section 3),
- the geometry of Jordan-, Lie- and associative structures
(section 2),
- general differential calculus (section 1).
Contents (see pdf for full text); I refer
to the list of my papers as given above: research papers are
labelled [n], books [Bn], theses [Tn], and others - proceedings,
overviews, lecture notes - labelled [On].
- 1. Differential calculus. References: [B2], [B3], main papers:
[17, 19, 37 40] , other papers: [27, 30, 35, O5, O6]
- 1.1. Introduction: some personal remarks and acknowledgments.
- 1.2. Topological differential calculus. [B2], [B3], [17]
- 1.3. Digression on linearity of differentials. [B3]
- 1.4. Conceptual differential calculus. [17, 37, 38, 40 B3, O6]
- 1.5. Weil functors. [B2, 27, 30, 35], thesis of Arnaud Souvay
- 2. Geometry and algebra. [B1], [3, 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16,
18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 36], [O1,
O2, O3, O4, O7, O8, O9]
- 2.1. Jordan algebras: from physics to maths, from Goettingen
via Paris to Clausthal. [B1], [3, 4, 6, 7, 11]
- 2.2. The general coquecigrue problem (hommage à Jean-Louis
- 2.3. Associative algebras and associative geometries. [25, 26,
32], [9]
- 2.4. Digression on non-commutative geometry. [O9]
- 2.5. Geometry at last! [32, 33]
- 2.6. Exotic planes. [32]
- 2.7. Classical spaces, Grassmannians and "relational
mathematics". [31, 36]
- 2.8. Jordan geometries. [B1], [13, 14, 15, 21, 34, 41], [O1,
O3, O4, O7, O9]
- 2.9. A "Jordan dictionary". [15, 21, O4, O7]
- 2.10. Models for Jordan geometries. [16, 18, 20], [O7, O9],
thesis of Julien Chenal
- 2.11. Symmetric spaces. [B1, B2], [11, 22, 28, 29], thesis of
Manon Didry
- 2.12. Liouville type theorems. [T2], [B1], [3, 4, 7, 15], [O1,
- 2.13. Back to physics? [20, 23, 42, 43], [O8]
- 3. Harmonic analysis. [T1, T2], [1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12]
- 3.1. Goettingen
- 3.2. Paris
- 3.3. Clausthal
- 4. On teaching and research
- 4.1. Linear and affine algebra and geometry. [13, 33], [O2,
O9]; notes on affine spaces, universal space and torsors, above.
- 4.2. Differential and integral calculus. [B2, B3]; note on
differential calculus above.
- 5. On mathematics in France.
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conjectures, speculations
Problems, Conjectures, Speculations
(pdf-file containing hyperlinks)
This is a kind of prolongation of the description of my research
topics given above. I try to formulate some problems, conjectures
and speculations that I find interesting (but most of them
completely outside the scope of today's mainstream mathematics).
Comments are welcome.
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divers / various stuff
some mathematical links:
some links concerning the state of research and universities
in France and in the world: